Tuesday, February 11, 2014

With even more love....

Days before Christmas, Andrew and I got the biggest surprise of our lives!

Let me back up a bit.  I love being a mama.  I've wanted babies of my own since I could walk.  I seriously have loved mothering my whole life.  I had dreamt of the day I would meet someone who would share my desire to have a family. The burden of motherhood is great; trying to raise these little people in a way that honors God; to encourage their gifts; not to spoil them but to bless and teach them.  But the blessing of this gift? Oh the blessing is beyond words.

You can ask almost anyone.  I was barely stitched up and into my hospital room after having Beau when I started talking about missing being pregnant and how I know we will have more.  I was telling Andrew I just know our family is only becoming more complete but we aren't done yet.  Yes, I was on pain meds from my c-section. Ahem.

In November, right around the time Beau turned one, I came down with a bad case of "I want another baby". This happened right after Hudson turned one too--hence Beau being born about 10 months later. ;) Andrew, seeing this case take over once again, sat me down to have a very logical discussion.  More kids- definitely. Right now- no way!  We talked about the pros of putting off adding to our family and we both agreed- honestly!- that we were going to wait at least another year before trying to expand our brood.  We had valid reasons and were both really content to wait.  We even talked about having the next two close.  I told you I wanted big and I like even numbers. It's a thing. 

Ok--back to days before Christmas.  Well, days before Christmas, while packing to go home and going over my checklist of things to add, I realized things were a little *off*. Ahem Less than two minutes later, and I was on the phone with my best friend asking how this could be possible? (Spare me, I already know but I was in shock) And--side note, that best friend was not my hubby but my a close girl friend.  Our lives are so parallel sometimes that it only makes sense to be part of each other's lives! 

So although Andrew and I had much different plans for our future and the timing of our brood expanding, God once again reminded us HIS timing is always perfect and HIS plans always the best.

So this Valentine's Day our family is sending you all some love from our growing brood.

Arriving August 2014. :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww congratulations to you and your family! :) This baby is going to be born into a wonderful family and have two adorable and awesome big brothers! Enjoy plenty of pool time this summer to keep cool during those final months of the pregnancy! Ava was born August 12th and I know I spent a lot of time in the pool and probably froze her Dad out of the house with the air conditioning! lol I hope your pregnancy goes wonderfully smooth! God bless you and the amazing plans God has in store for you and your growing family. :)


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