I am not sure how we even got here. I seriously feel like I was just bringing this little man home from the hospital in frigid temperatures after a crazy blizzard. I don't think Andrew has ever driven that careful before.
But Tuesday morning came and even though it had been marked on our calendar for months, I still wasn't really ready in my heart.
On Monday night, we picked out Hudson's first day outfit. We checked {and re-checked} his backpack to make sure he had all this paperwork, supplies and things ready. I put together his teacher's back to school gift and wrote out his little first day sign.
That morning Andrew stayed home from work to take Hudson to school with me. We got our boys ready for the day. Hudson was excited but nervous. He was a little ball of energy but not in his normal way. He had talked about school all summer but I think he was a bit hesitant of actually leaving us for the morning.
Andrew and I kept talking with him about what he would do and learn; all of his friends who were at their own preschools.
I don't think these next stages are ever going to get easier. I don't think the firsts will be easier with Beau or Gabe just because I've "done them already" with Hudson. I don't think seeing them get big and need me less will ever be something I enjoy. But I do know God created each of my boys for great things.

Hudson- I pray that you do well this year. Not just academically, although I hope you learn lots! But I pray you DO well. I pray you are the hands and feet of Jesus to your classmates. I pray that you are kind and gentle and a friend to everyone. I pray that you are respectful. I pray that you are eager to learn and to help others. I pray that you find joy in learning. I pray that you are safe each time I release you into the care of your teacher. I pray that God puts a passion in your heart for learning, one that will carry you to new heights each year. I pray that you use your talents and abilities for Jesus. I pray that your teachers and your dad and I seek out what those are and encourage them. I pray that as you grow and learn, your faith will grow too! I am so thankful that you are in an environment where you will learn about Jesus and his love for you!
Go and do great things, sweet boy! God has so much planned for you! I can't wait to see what is in store!!
Aw! So exciting! I hope he enjoys school!
ReplyDeleteThank you! He is loving it so far! :)
DeleteSo sweet! Good luck! I don't even want to think about Walker going to ACTUAL school for the first time! Waa!
ReplyDeleteI know! It is so hard to let them go just a little bit!!!
DeleteHe's the cutest thing with his little backpack!! Hope he had the BEST week at school!