In fact, I took full advantage of a new(er) service our Kroger is offering called ClickList. You shop for your stuff online and then the store has shoppers to put it all together for you, bring it out and LOAD it! I don't mind going to the grocery store and my boys really have never complained and are really good, even when I go to three different stores! But the option of being done with grocery shopping, including coming back home and putting it away in less than 20 minutes is a tad appealing.
Andrew had been on the road or had late nights all week so yesterday he took an office day but was on a conference call most of the day while working. There isn't much to take advantage of in that situation BUT it does allow a person to be home during nap if mama wants to go run. And this mama did!!
In small group we are doing the study Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I've been reading the book along with our group study and it is so so good! I really love all of his work. (His book You and Me Forever is a MUST READ for anyone married!) Well this week was talking about keeping the cross in our minds. Not just something we take for granted. I love that and found it especially challenging and convicting. So on my run, I spent some time in prayer. Praying for my boys, myself as their mother, my role as a wife to my husband. And I was praying, intentionally, about the cross. And it's gravity. And it's significance. And I had these thoughts...that there was nothing too ugly for the cross, no sin to big, no person to far from it's redemption.
They were pretty powerful thoughts coming off of also praying for our country along with so many yesterday. I found that so comforting. The redeeming power of the cross is for everyone.
I continued to pray and pour my heart out before God. I felt Him so near to me. I walked the last half mile home and felt His peace and presence.
There was comfort in that. Because yesterday was a BIG day. I had been a little on edge all morning, putting away groceries, picking up the house, my mind going over a list of questions, because yesterday, we met with our case worker for the first time. She came to our house yesterday afternoon and Andrew and I began the first step (of many) in becoming licensed foster parents.
It is surreal. This thing Andrew and I have talked about for a couple of years now. That we went back and forth on. That we spoke to others about. That we prayed about. Taking this first real step and knowing that we have no idea what is on the other side of this journey--completely surreal.
Before our meeting, Hudson got home from school. We did our after school routine: going through his back pack and folders, asking about his day, his brothers smothering him with their chatter, and settling into snack. I felt convicted to take some time to pray though. Before she showed up, our family huddled on a couch and we prayed for this journey. For God's guidance, grace and wisdom.
I don't know what the next few months will bring (besides questions and answers as Andrew and I learn more). But I do know that stepping out in faith will be the greatest thing we do.
Congrats on the first step, that is huge in itself! I can't wait to follow along this journey!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Lizzie!!