Helloooo!!! I feel like I have been so disconnected this past week! I H-A-T-E that feeling. I was way behind on all my favorite blogs and I just don't like that!
Our weekend actually felt quite long for the very fact that our family left mid-morning on Wednesday to head back to Decatur for Andrew's great-grandfather's visitation. Even though his health was declining and we knew this was coming, I still don't think one can ever really be prepared. So we were in Decatur Wednesday through this afternoon. It was super busy so let's just dive right in.
Wednesday night we had the visitation. Andrew's great-grandpa lived well into his eighties and, this is my favorite, was married to Andrew's great-grandmother (still living) for 72 years. 72 PEOPLE! Let that sink in! I sat there and couldn't help but think of the legacy he built (more on that later). After the visitation we went with the rest of Andrew's family to his grandparents' pizza shop. No, pizza is not on my meal plan and no I didn't really eat in moderation. But you have to understand that this pizza is so stinking good and we hadn't had it in forever. It was really nice to catch up with all of Andrew's family that was in town. He has so many family members spread out across the US it was good to see them, even though the circumstances were hard.
Thursday was a gorgeous day. It had been really hot and muggy all week but Thursday it was sunny with a breeze, not humid. I loved that it was like that for the funeral. Again, the one point that continued to strike me as so many spoke of great-grandpa was the legacy he built. When you live 89 years, you see a lot of life. But what an incredible impact you can make during that time.
By Thursday night we were all pretty exhausted. Andrew and I hadn't had much time with the boys so we took them to the park after dinner to play. I love seeing Hudson get over his fear of heights and climb higher on the jungle gym and go down slides without fear. Oh, and Beau seriously tried to jump off the equipment and thought it was hilarious. Ummm..no.
Andrew had planned to take Friday morning off because I had my glucose doctors appointment. Instead of driving back to only work a half day on Friday (my doctor is an hour away from Pittsfield) he just took Friday off and we stayed in Decatur. I went to my appointment and all was well. The baby was moving like crazy from that disgusting sugar drink. I seriously don't think I will ever get past how horrible it is. Every time. My doctor and I discussed a date for the baby's arrival. I have had two previous c-sections and though I feel better than ever this pregnancy, risking a VBAC just doesn't seem reasonable to me. That conversation definitely made it real and reminded me how close we are to meeting our new little man.
That afternoon I worked out while the boys were napping. My parents just sold their house and are having a huge moving sale. They are seriously downsizing so Andrew got to help my dad with some packing and moving. Bless his heart. That evening we went to Andrew's aunt and uncle's house for a weinie roast. All of his family was still in town and since we are all rarely together, we had one last evening. His aunt and uncle have a beautiful home set way back from the main road. It backs up to a wooded area and has a huge pond. Our boys loved it. Andrew even took them out for a spin on the paddle boat. They fished and had s'mores. Total perfect night in their eyes.
Saturday we went to breakfast with my parents. We were going to come to town Saturday for a graduation party anyway but having the whole day we decided to utilize our time..and our resources. Our current town doesn't have much for shopping nearby so we made up for it. Andrew and my dad took Hudson for a haircut. There is a newer barbershop in town and Hudson thinks he is such a big boy going there. And he desperately needed a cut!! While they were gone, my mom and I took Beau to get things for the nursery. Last week I posted about how Andrew and I finally decided to get on that. We got EVERYTHING we needed to get this nursery done. We found bedding, a rug, curtains, paint, some wall decor. When we got home, I ordered the rest of the decor that was unique for the room. I seriously think this nursery might be my favorite. I just love all the colors. It doesn't really have a theme but all the decor is so sweet and simple and very boy. Oh--and it hints to the name. I can't wait to get it finished and post pictures.
Beau's Nursery--super simple. We also had a navy blue dresser I redid in there, which the boys now share.
Hudson's Nursery: Argyle Accent Wall. I loved painting that thing. It was bold and I am sure the next occupants painted right over it but it was the first space we created for someone else.

Saturday evening we had a graduation party for one of the sweetest high school girls I know. Andrew and I simply adore this family. We babysat for their 5 kiddos in college and those kids, and their parents, got in our hearts deep. Alex was a junior bridesmaid in Andrew and I's wedding. She is smart, athletic, kind, loyal. She is a good friend and has a level head. She is the kind of girl I would pray my daughter (if I had one) would grow up to be. She is the kind of girl I pray my boys meet one day as their future spouses. She is that special. My two boys, who Alex has babysat (talk about full circle) love going over to the Berry residence. And Al's mom, Kelly, throws the best parties. Her home is one you walk into and immediately feel welcome. It is inviting and smells great and you literally feel like you could take a nap on the couch or raid their pantry. So homey.
Andrew and I left that party and, since my mom was also in attendance, left the boys with her and snuck away for a little date. I know those moments just the two of us are going to be few and far between come August so in the midst of preparing for the baby and spending special time with our boys, we are trying to take some time for the two of us as well.
Today we went to church, had lunch with the folks, and packed it all up. As much as I hate leaving our family, our Pittsfield house has become home. I feel at peace when I walk through the door. Our boys get settled. It might be small and it may not be our forever house, but for now it is where we are building our memories, and our family. It is part of the journey in the legacy I hope to leave our family with.
How was your weekend?